I Grind My Teeth

Finding out why I grind my teeth at night is simply necessary to preserve my dental health. Teeth grinding or bruxism usually happens at night – when one is not aware of what he or she is doing.  Why did I know I grind my teeth at night? It was always my loved one who …

Finding out why I grind my teeth at night is simply necessary to preserve my dental health.

Teeth grinding or bruxism usually happens at night – when one is not aware of what he or she is doing.  Why did I know I grind my teeth at night? It was always my loved one who bore the teeth grinding noises she hears at night while I sleep soundly. It was a casual comment “Hey honey, I had to cover my ears when you grind your teeth in sleep. It can be annoying some nights and but maybe you should see a doctor about it.” I decided to heed her advice.

Frequent grinding of teeth would require consultation with your dentist to prevent damage to your teeth such as tooth loss, loosening and fracturing. The effects of chronic grinding if left untreated can be very costly; you may be required to use partial dentures or complete dentures. Sometimes bridges, implants, root canals and crowns will be necessary to remedy the condition.

Causes of Grinding Teeth

Some causes of bruxism are stress and anxiety but is more likely caused by missing or crooked teeth and by an abnormal bite.

Your dentist can confirm that you are suffering from bruxism when he sees abnormalities in your teeth and jaw tenderness. A dull but constant headache and a sore jaw are also some signs of bruxism.

Treatment for Bruxism

To stop the problem directly, a dentist may suggest the use of a mouth guard at night and to protect your teeth from grinding while sleeping.

When stress is the caused of your teeth grinding, the dentist and even the doctor of your choice may suggest options on how to reduce your stress. Some advices you may receive from the health provider are being part of a stress counseling program, regular exercises, asking for the help of a physical therapist or taking muscle relaxants.

Yes, I grind my teeth and I have found out other tips to help me stop grinding my teeth:

  • Take less of foods and drinks that contain caffeine such as chocolate, coffee and colas.
  • Alcoholic drinks should also be avoided.
  • Do not chew on pens or pencils are anything that is not edible is also a good idea.
  • Avoid chewing gum as well since chewing gum allows your jaw muscles to get used to clenching which makes your more likely to grind your teeth.
  • Relax your jaw muscles at night by securing a warm washcloth against your cheek right in front of your earlobe.

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