Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism treatment methods can cure teeth grinding depending on the cause, whether it is stress, dental issue, or certain medications.

What are the various bruxism treatment? Teeth grinding or bruxism is often outgrown by children when they have developed their permanent set of teeth. But those who have bruxism after adolescence stage can be looking for the best bruxism treatment to stop their teeth grinding.

Bruxism are of two kinds: primary bruxism which occurs because of an existing medical disorder and secondary bruxism which occurs without any relation to an existing disorder. Gnashing of teeth is a symptom of any disorder such as digestive disorders or cerebral palsy in children. The medicines prescribed for treatment to such disorders can trigger bruxism.

Teeth grinding in both children and adults can also be diurnal (awake bruxism) or nocturnal (sleep bruxism). The effects of teeth grinding during the day are not as harmful as teeth grinding in sleep. Many health issues such as TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) are linked to chronic bruxism in sleep.

To find the cure, you must know the causes. There are three known causes of teeth grinding. It can be stress, dental issues or medicines.

Bruxism Due to Stress

Many cases of teeth grinding in adults are due to stress. Deadlines at work, activities and paper works in school, broken relationships, parenting and other stressors can unconsciously make you grind your teeth.

  • Dentists recommend short-term remedies such as prescribing medicines like diazepam (Valium) to relax your nerves at night.
  • Muscle-relaxants are also given to relieve muscle spasm in the jaw area.
  • Stress counseling by a professional psychologist can help bruxers cope with tension including relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation.
  • Core Energetics is a psychotherapy based on the idea that bruxism is a symptom of repression. The treatment includes physical exercises, deep breathing, psychodynamic methods and relaxation massages.
  • Biofeedback is a relaxation training of managing your stress and your muscle’s involuntary responses to stress. Electromyograph (EMG) machine like Calmset is used to diagnose and treat teeth grinding. The device is connected to the masseter muscles and when it senses muscle tension, it awakens the bruxer. When the patient is now relaxed, he can go back to sleep.
  • Botox or botulinium toxins can reduce the effects of teeth grinding but can have serious side effects. The botox injection weakens the masseter muscles and inhibits them from grinding and gnashing.

Bruxism Due to Dental Problems

Some bruxism especially in children can be dental-related because of a misaligned upper and lower teeth or missing teeth. A thorough dental check-up including an x-ray will reveal what the reason for teeth grinding might be.

  • Orthodontics will solve teeth grinding. Dentists put onlays or crowns to correct the abnormal bite by reshaping the surfaces of the upper and lower teeth.
  • Oral splint popularly called night guard are fitted to the mouth and teeth. This prevent the teeth from further wear and tear when gnashing in sleep. Oral splints will realign the teeth and jaw muscles.
  • Surgery for reconstruction of damaged teeth or implant can also be done by oral surgeons or dentist.

Bruxism Due to Medications

Antidepressant medicines and recreational drugs can trigger teeth grinding. Doctors can prescribe a different medication for bruxism treatment.

  • Some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can lead to bruxism . A person with bruxism can visit the physician and get advice on this issue. Some common brand names for SSRIs are Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil.
  • Avoiding the recreational use of cocaine and ecstasy will stop teeth grinding.

Here are some self-care tips to reduce the pain and to stop teeth grinding among children and adults.

  • Drink lots of water.
  • Get enough rest and sleep.
  • Avoid eating, biting or chewing on hard and tough food like nuts, candies and meat.
  • Watch children who bite on pencils or pens and stop them from the habit.
  • Put ice or wet heat to painful  jaw muscles.
  • Massage the muscles in the neck, shoulders, jaw and face. Learn to relax your muscles in these areas.
  • Avoid food and drinks containing caffeine.
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking increase the risk of bruxism, so either quit or reduce the use of alcohol and cigarette when confronted with stress.

If gnashing of teeth is caused primarily by stress, the best bruxism treatment is to identify the sources of stress in your daily life, and learn to reduce the stressors and relax your mind and body.

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