Clenching Teeth

Clenching teeth is the unintentional or unconscious grinding or gnashing of your teeth during daytime or while falling asleep.It is also called bruxism.

Clenching teeth is the unintentional or unconscious grinding or gnashing of your teeth during daytime or while falling asleep. It can even be experienced during short naps. Clinically referred as bruxism, teeth clenching usually happens when sleeping and is as common as snoring. But unlike snoring, teeth grinding sounds are a bit on the low side and may still be bothersome to your roommate or a sleeping partner. Bruxism that happens when sleeping results in a majority of health issues and is also considered as a common sleep disorder.

Tooth wear caused by teeth grinding
Tooth wear caused by teeth grinding

The habit of bruxism is considered a parafunctional oral activity that happens in humans at some point of their lives. The habit which is more than just a reflex chewing activity can be regulated either by subconscious actions or conscious brain activity. But during sleep, subconscious processes may not be noticed, allowing bruxism to happen.

Bruxism is considered a medical problem and a dental issue as well since it affects the teeth and all of the adjoining structures including the head. Doctors believe that the main reason why a person grinds his or her teeth is because of stress or anxiety while dentists say that it is done due to the misalignment of one’s teeth with each other. In many cases, habitual teeth gnashing can lead to fracturing, loosening and sometimes loss of teeth. Chronic grinding may wear the teeth such that costly crowns, bridges, implants and even whole dentures may be needed. Severe teeth grinding can also affect the jaws, may lead to hearing loss and even change how your face appears.

Kids can also acquire the habit of clenching teeth and this may be disturbing especially to the parents to hear their children gnashing teeth while sleeping. It would be advisable to parents to consult their children to dentists just to check their teeth even if this is not a big problem for kids as it is for grown ups. This is not considered a problem for children since they usually outgrow this habit and due to the fact the children teeth are still temporary. Eventually their teeth will be replaced by stronger and more aligned ones. It is adults who should be wary of the effects of teeth grinding since adult teeth are subject not to change or are irreplaceable.

The action of teeth grinding is usually rhythmic such that the pulses of the bite force is equal to tenths of a second much like chewing. Some teeth grinding actions have long bite force pulses of 1 to 30 seconds and is considered as a clenching action.

Most people are unaware that they are already clenching their teeth unless they are informed by their loved ones. It is advisable to consult your dentist. When you think or are told that you are experiencing bruxism. The dentist can look at your mouth as well as your jaw for symptoms of bruxism such as tenderness of the jaw and teeth abnormalities.

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